Fig. 5 - Interpreting New Strain Relationships


Benjamin Doran


January 17, 2025

using DrWatson
@quickactivate projectdir()

using SpectralInference
using NewickTree
using HypothesisTests
using MultipleTesting: adjust, Bonferroni, BenjaminiHochberg
using CSV, DataFrames
using StatsBase
using Muon
using Random: shuffle, seed!
using CategoricalArrays: cut, recode!
using LaTeXStrings
using Images

using StatsPlots
theme(:default, grid=false, label=false, tickdir=:out)

bbdir = datadir("exp_pro", "BB669") |> mkpath;
pdir = plotsdir("strain_variation_tree_and_tests") |> mkpath;
rdir = projectdir("_research", "strain_variation_wilcoxon_tests") |> mkpath

speciescolordf ="exp_raw", "BB669", "subsettreecolors.csv"), DataFrame)
species_color_dict = Dict(k => v for (k, v) in zip(speciescolordf.species_name, speciescolordf.color));

Fig. S11 - Statistical tests through the spectral tree

Given that we are able to create a spectral tree that respects taxonomic relationships and even captures sub-species groupings that corresponds with host environment, we were interested in understanding what genomic signatures were describing these sub-species groupings. However, because these sub-species groups a specifically defined by these genomic features, assumptions of independence typical to statistical tests are violated. Therefore we use a more stringent test to determine whether a given OGG is differentially abundant by using how likely it is for any of the features we are looking at to be significant before deciding if each individual OGG feature is significant.

Specifically to determine whether a given OGG is differentially abundant in a statistically significant way across two groups (‘group A’ and ‘group B’) that arise from a common node in the Spectral Tree, we first generate a ‘reference p-value’ and a ‘null distribution’. The reference p-value signifies the difference in \(OGG_i\) across the two groups (Wilcoxon test). To generate a null distribution of p-values, we create 100 permutations of the distributions between groups A and B that randomly shuffles entries in the two groups. For all OGGs within the Spectral Tree, we compute a distribution of the most significant p-values across all permutations. The Q-value for a given OGG is computed as the number of p-values in the null distribution that are less than the reference p-value (\(P\)) relative to the total number of p-values in the null distribution (equation).

\[Q = \frac{N_{p_{perm}} < N_{p_{ref}}}{N_{p_{perm}}}\]

Filtering to species that have > 20 strain replicates

uniprot = readh5ad(datadir("exp_raw", "UP7047", "2020_02_UP7047.h5ad"))
biobank = readh5mu(datadir("exp_raw", "BB669", "BB669.h5mu"))
┌ Warning: Cannot join columns with the same name because var_names are intersecting.
└ @ Muon /Users/bend/.julia/packages/Muon/UKjAF/src/mudata.jl:367
MuData object 669 ✕ 21475
└ metabolites_foldchange
  AnnData object 669 ✕ 50
└ oggs
  AnnData object 669 ✕ 11248
└ UPorder_oggs
  AnnData object 669 ✕ 10177
upmtx = uniprot.X[:, :]
upusv = svd(upmtx)
bbmtx = biobank["UPorder_oggs"].X[:,:]
(669, 10177)
keptspecies = sort(filter(x-> last(x) >= 20, countmap(biobank.obs.Species)), byvalue=true, rev=true)
filter!(!=("unclassified"), keptspecies)
# species => number of strains belonging to that species
OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{String, Int64} with 12 entries:
  "Phocaeicola vulgatus"         => 88
  "[Ruminococcus] gnavus"        => 41
  "Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron" => 35
  "Anaerostipes hadrus"          => 31
  "Bacteroides uniformis"        => 27
  "unclassified"                 => 26
  "Blautia luti"                 => 24
  "Bifidobacterium breve"        => 24
  "Coprococcus comes"            => 23
  "Dorea formicigenerans"        => 22
  "Blautia wexlerae"             => 21
  "[Eubacterium] rectale"        => 20

I had previously calculated which strains belonged to these species when I saved the biobank dataset

strvarmtx = bbmtx[biobank.obs.kept_species.==1,:];
@show size(strvarmtx)

strvarobs = biobank.obs[biobank.obs.kept_species.==1, :]
strvar_obsnames = strvarobs.Strain_ID

# infer hierarchical relationships of just the species with
# greater than 20 strain replicates
uhat = projectinLSV(strvarmtx, upusv)
dij = spectraldistances(uhat, upusv.S; alpha=1.5, q=.75) ./ size(uniprot, 2)
strvartree_hc = UPGMA_tree(dij)
strvartree = readnw(SpectralInference.newickstring(strvartree_hc, strvar_obsnames))
# ladderize!(strvartree)

## write out tree
open(joinpath(bbdir, "strvar-spitree.nw"), "w") do io
    writenw(io, strvartree)
size(strvarmtx) = (356, 10177)
# plot cladogram
strvartree_hc = UPGMA_tree(dij)
subsettreestring = SpectralInference.newickstring(strvartree_hc, strvarobs.Strain_ID)
subsettree = readnw(subsettreestring);
    size=(800, 900),
    permute=(:y, :x),

# plot annotation rectangles
rectangle(w, h, x, y) = Shape(x .+ [0,w,w,0], y .+ [0,0,h,h])
speciesvector = strvarobs.Species[strvartree_hc.order]
breaks = findall(speciesvector[begin:(end-1)] .!= speciesvector[2:end])[Not([10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15])]
edges = [(s, e) for (s,e) in zip(vcat([0],breaks), vcat(breaks, [length(speciesvector)]))];
rects = [rectangle(2,(e-s),0,s+.5) for (s,e) in zip(vcat([0],breaks), vcat(breaks, [length(speciesvector)]))];
rectspeciescolors = permutedims(speciescolordf.color[indexin(speciesvector[first.(edges).+1], speciescolordf.species_name)]);
fancy_treeplot = plot!(permutedims(rects), fill=0.35, lw=0, c=rectspeciescolors, label="")

# species 
for (i, (k,v)) in enumerate(zip(speciescolordf.species_name, speciescolordf.color))
    yval = median(findall(==(k), speciesvector))
    annotate!(-0.1, yval, text(k, 9, :left, v))
annotate!(-0.1, 356, text("Blautia luti (2)", 9, :left, species_color_dict["Blautia luti"]))


Statistically test clades at each node in tree

# functions to compare differences
function cliffs_d(a, b) 
    ans = 0.
    for i in a, j in b
        ans += sign(i - j)
    ans / (length(a) * length(b))

function log2FC(a, b) 
    mean(log2.(a .+ 1)) - mean(log2.(b .+ 1))
log2FC (generic function with 1 method)
# significance tests across full strain variation tree
tree = strvartree

maxtreeheight = last(maximum(getheights(tree)))
leaves = getleaves(tree)
leafnames = name.(leaves);
treeorder = indexin(leafnames, strvar_obsnames);

ogg_mtx = biobank["oggs"].X[:,:][biobank.obs.kept_species.==1,:]
ogg_mask = vec(mapslices(c->std(c) > 0, ogg_mtx, dims=1))
ogg_mtx = ogg_mtx[treeorder, ogg_mask]
@show size(ogg_mtx)
ogg_names = biobank["oggs"].var_names[ogg_mask]

ogg_freqs = vec(mean(ogg_mtx .> 0, dims=1))

taxon_info = strvarobs[treeorder, :]
taxon_info.species_donor = join.(eachrow(strvarobs[treeorder, [:Species, :Donor]]), " ")

isolate_ids = getleafnames(tree)
testresults = DataFrame()

for node in prewalk(tree)
    #  if group size would be less than 1 skip node
    (isleaf(node) || any(isleaf.(node.children))) && continue
    # find comparison groups
    grp1_idx = indexin(getleafnames(node.children[1]), isolate_ids)
    grp2_idx = indexin(getleafnames(node.children[2]), isolate_ids)
    pvals = mapslices(ogg_mtx, dims=1) do column
        pvalue(MannWhitneyUTest(column[grp1_idx], column[grp2_idx]))
    end |> vec
    # make null
    null_qs = map(1:100) do i
        n = length(grp1_idx)
        m = length(grp2_idx)
        perm_idx = shuffle(vcat(grp1_idx, grp2_idx))
        qs = mapslices(ogg_mtx, dims=1) do column_perm
            q = pvalue(MannWhitneyUTest(column_perm[perm_idx[1:n]], column_perm[perm_idx[n+1:end]]))

    qvals = mapslices(ogg_mtx, dims=1) do column
        pval = pvalue(MannWhitneyUTest(column[grp1_idx], column[grp2_idx]))
        mean(null_qs .< pval)
    end |> vec
    effects = mapslices(ogg_mtx, dims=1) do column
        abs(mean(column[grp1_idx]) - mean(column[grp2_idx]) / std(column))
    end |> vec

    log_effects = mapslices(ogg_mtx, dims=1) do column
        logcol = log2.(column.+1)
        abs(mean(logcol[grp1_idx]) - mean(logcol[grp2_idx]) / std(logcol))
    end |> vec
    log2FCs = mapslices(ogg_mtx, dims=1) do column
        log2FC(column[grp1_idx], column[grp2_idx])
    end |> vec

    cliffs_ds = mapslices(ogg_mtx, dims=1) do column
        cliffs_d(column[grp1_idx], column[grp2_idx])
    end |> vec

    grp1_prp_exp = mapslices(ogg_mtx, dims=1) do column
        mean(column[grp1_idx] .> 0)
    end |> vec

    grp2_prp_exp = mapslices(ogg_mtx, dims=1) do column
        mean(column[grp2_idx] .> 0)
    end |> vec
    testresults = vcat(testresults, 
            :nodeids => id(node),
            :nodeheight =>  NewickTree.height(node),
            :nodedepth =>  maxtreeheight - NewickTree.height(node),
            :grp1_N => length(grp1_idx),
            :grp2_N => length(grp2_idx),
            :grp1_phylum_mode => mode(taxon_info.Phylum[grp1_idx]),
            :grp2_phylum_mode => mode(taxon_info.Phylum[grp2_idx]),
            :grp1_species_mode => mode(taxon_info.Species[grp1_idx]),
            :grp2_species_mode => mode(taxon_info.Species[grp2_idx]),
            :grp1_species_donor_mode => mode(taxon_info.species_donor[grp1_idx]),
            :grp2_species_donor_mode => mode(taxon_info.species_donor[grp2_idx]),
            :ogg_name => ogg_names,
            :ogg_idx => collect(axes(ogg_mtx, 2)),
            :ogg_freqs => ogg_freqs,
            :grp1_prp_exp => grp1_prp_exp,
            :grp2_prp_exp => grp2_prp_exp,
            :effectsize => effects,
            :logeffectsize => log_effects,
            :log2FC => log2FCs,
            :cliffs_d => cliffs_ds,
            :pvals => pvals,
            :qvals => qvals,
testresults[!, "pval_BH"] .= adjust(testresults.pvals, BenjaminiHochberg());
testresults[!, "pval_Bon"] .= adjust(testresults.pvals, Bonferroni());
testresults[!, "qval_BH"] .= adjust(testresults.qvals, BenjaminiHochberg());

tree_discretization = cut(testresults.nodedepth, [0, 2, 4, 5])
    "[4, 5)"=>"phylum level", 
    "[2, 4)"=>"species level",
    "[0, 2)"=>"strain level")
testresults[!, "tree_level"] = tree_discretization
size(ogg_mtx) = (356, 5449)
Dict{CategoricalArrays.CategoricalValue{String, UInt32}, Int64} with 3 entries:
  "species level" => 59939
  "strain level"  => 457716
  "phylum level"  => 5449
CSV.write(joinpath(rdir, "full_ogg_wilcoxon_testresults_on_big10species.csv"), testresults)
testresults |> 
    df->filter(:pval_BH => <(0.05), df) |>
    df->CSV.write(joinpath(rdir, "significant_BH_ogg_wilcoxon_testresults_on_big10species.csv"), df)
testresults |>
    df->filter(:pval_Bon => <(0.05), df) |>
    df->CSV.write(joinpath(rdir, "significant_Bon_ogg_wilcoxon_testresults_on_big10species.csv"), df)
testresults |>
    df->filter(:qval_BH => <(0.05), df) |>
    df->CSV.write(joinpath(rdir, "significant_Qbh_ogg_wilcoxon_testresults_on_big10species.csv"), df)

Filtering to most significant results

testresults =, "full_ogg_wilcoxon_testresults_on_big10species.csv"), DataFrame);
sigtestresults = filter(:qval_BH => <(0.05), testresults) |>
    df -> filter(:logeffectsize => >(1), df) |>
    df -> filter(:effectsize => >(1), df) |>
    df -> filter(:log2FC => x->abs.(x) .> 1 , df);
@show sigtestresults.ogg_name |> unique |> length
@show sigtestresults.nodeids |> unique |> length
@show sum(sigtestresults.tree_level .== "phylum level")
@show sum(sigtestresults.tree_level .== "species level")
@show sum(sigtestresults.tree_level .== "strain level");
(sigtestresults.ogg_name |> unique) |> length = 1530
(sigtestresults.nodeids |> unique) |> length = 66
sum(sigtestresults.tree_level .== "phylum level") = 415
sum(sigtestresults.tree_level .== "species level") = 1117
sum(sigtestresults.tree_level .== "strain level") = 1070
# how many OGGs are still duplicated?
sigtestresults |> 
    df -> groupby(df, :ogg_name) |>
    df -> subset(df, :log2FC => x -> abs.(x) .== maximum(abs.(x))) |>
    df -> countmap(df.ogg_name) |>
    cm -> sum(values(cm) .> 1)
# for these remaining OGGs select the shallowest significant example
uniqueOGGresults = sigtestresults |> 
    df -> groupby(df, :ogg_name) |>
    df -> subset(df, :log2FC => x -> abs.(x) .== maximum(abs.(x))) |>
    df -> groupby(df, :ogg_name) |>
    df -> subset(df, :nodeheight => x -> x .== minimum(x));
@show nrow(uniqueOGGresults) == length(unique(uniqueOGGresults.ogg_name))
@show sum(uniqueOGGresults.tree_level .== "phylum level")
@show sum(uniqueOGGresults.tree_level .== "species level")
@show sum(uniqueOGGresults.tree_level .== "strain level");
nrow(uniqueOGGresults) == length(unique(uniqueOGGresults.ogg_name)) = true
sum(uniqueOGGresults.tree_level .== "phylum level") = 273
sum(uniqueOGGresults.tree_level .== "species level") = 676
sum(uniqueOGGresults.tree_level .== "strain level") = 581
CSV.write(joinpath(rdir, "unique_sig_ogg_wilcoxon_testresults_on_big10species.csv"), uniqueOGGresults)

Phylum level significant orthologs

ogg_plotting_order = uniqueOGGresults |>
    df->subset(df,  :tree_level => x-> x.==("phylum level"), :grp1_N => x-> x.>=3, :grp2_N => x-> x.>=3) |>
    df->subset(df, :nodeids => (x->get.(Ref(countmap(x)), x, 0) .> 10)) |>
    df->sort(df, [:nodeids, :log2FC]);

hmapplot = heatmap(log2.(ogg_mtx[:, ogg_plotting_order.ogg_idx] .+ 1), 
# hmapplot = heatmap(log2.(ogg_mtx[:, uniqueOGGresults.ogg_idx]),
    title="Phylum level tests; " * L"Q_{BH} < 0.05, |\log_2 FC| > 1",
    # xticks=(1:nrow(uniqueOGGresults), uniqueOGGresults.ogg_name),
    xticks=[1, findall(diff(ogg_plotting_order.nodeids) .!= 0)..., nrow(ogg_plotting_order)],
    cticks=(1:4, string.(2 .^ 1:4)),
    c=cgrad(:bilbao, rev=true),,

rectangle(w, h, x, y) = Shape(x .+ [0,w,w,0], y .+ [0,0,h,h])
leafnames = getleafnames(strvartree)
oggrects = map(unique(ogg_plotting_order.nodeids)) do nid
    node = filter(x-> id(x)==(nid), prewalk(strvartree))[1]
    idx_taxa = indexin(getleafnames(node), leafnames)
    noderesults = filter(:nodeids => ==(nid), ogg_plotting_order)
    idx_oggs = indexin(noderesults.ogg_name, ogg_plotting_order.ogg_name)
    x = minimum(idx_oggs)
    y = minimum(idx_taxa)
    width = maximum(idx_oggs) - minimum(idx_oggs)
    height = maximum(idx_taxa) - minimum(idx_taxa)
    rectangle(width, height, x, y)

plot!(permutedims(oggrects), fill=0.0, lw=1.5, linecolor="red", label="")

layout = @layout [a{.2w} b]
plot(plot(fancy_treeplot, title="SPI tree"), hmapplot; layout, xrotation=45, size=(1000,600), link=:y, legend=:none,
savefig(joinpath(pdir, "significantOGGS_pernode_phylumlevel_treeandheatmap_coloredboxes.pdf"))

Species level significant orthologs

ogg_plotting_order = uniqueOGGresults |>
    df->subset(df,  :tree_level => x-> x.==("species level"), :grp1_N => x-> x.>=3, :grp2_N => x-> x.>=3) |>
    df->subset(df, :nodeids => (x->get.(Ref(countmap(x)), x, 0) .> 10)) |>
    df->sort(df, [:nodeids, :log2FC]);

hmapplot = heatmap(log2.(ogg_mtx[:, ogg_plotting_order.ogg_idx] .+ 1), 
# hmapplot = heatmap(log2.(ogg_mtx[:, uniqueOGGresults.ogg_idx]),
    title="Species level tests; " * L"Q_{BH} < 0.05, |\log_2 FC| > 1",
    # xticks=(1:nrow(uniqueOGGresults), uniqueOGGresults.ogg_name),
    xticks=[1, findall(diff(ogg_plotting_order.nodeids) .!= 0)..., nrow(ogg_plotting_order)],
    cticks=(1:4, string.(2 .^ 1:4)),
    c=cgrad(:bilbao, rev=true),,

rectangle(w, h, x, y) = Shape(x .+ [0,w,w,0], y .+ [0,0,h,h])
leafnames = getleafnames(strvartree)
oggrects = map(unique(ogg_plotting_order.nodeids)) do nid
    node = filter(x-> id(x)==(nid), prewalk(strvartree))[1]
    idx_taxa = indexin(getleafnames(node), leafnames)
    noderesults = filter(:nodeids => ==(nid), ogg_plotting_order)
    idx_oggs = indexin(noderesults.ogg_name, ogg_plotting_order.ogg_name)
    x = minimum(idx_oggs)
    y = minimum(idx_taxa)
    width = maximum(idx_oggs) - minimum(idx_oggs)
    height = maximum(idx_taxa) - minimum(idx_taxa)
    rectangle(width, height, x, y)

plot!(permutedims(oggrects), fill=0.0, lw=1.5, linecolor="aqua", label="")

layout = @layout [a{.2w} b]
plot(plot(fancy_treeplot, title="SPI tree"), hmapplot; layout, xrotation=45, size=(1000,600), link=:y, legend=:none,
savefig(joinpath(pdir, "significantOGGS_pernode_specieslevel_treeandheatmap_coloredboxes.pdf"))

Strain level significant orthologs

ogg_plotting_order = uniqueOGGresults |>
    df->subset(df,  :tree_level => x-> x.==("strain level"), :grp1_N => x-> x.>=3, :grp2_N => x-> x.>=3) |>
    df->subset(df, :nodeids => (x->get.(Ref(countmap(x)), x, 0) .> 10)) |>
    df->sort(df, [:nodeids, :log2FC]);

hmapplot = heatmap(log2.(ogg_mtx[:, ogg_plotting_order.ogg_idx] .+ 1), 
# hmapplot = heatmap(log2.(ogg_mtx[:, uniqueOGGresults.ogg_idx]),
    title="Strain level tests; " * L"Q_{BH} < 0.05, |\log_2 FC| > 1",
    # xticks=(1:nrow(uniqueOGGresults), uniqueOGGresults.ogg_name),
    xticks=[1, findall(diff(ogg_plotting_order.nodeids) .!= 0)..., nrow(ogg_plotting_order)],
    cticks=(1:4, string.(2 .^ 1:4)),
    c=cgrad(:bilbao, rev=true),,

rectangle(w, h, x, y) = Shape(x .+ [0,w,w,0], y .+ [0,0,h,h])
leafnames = getleafnames(strvartree)
oggrects = map(unique(ogg_plotting_order.nodeids)) do nid
    node = filter(x-> id(x)==(nid), prewalk(strvartree))[1]
    idx_taxa = indexin(getleafnames(node), leafnames)
    noderesults = filter(:nodeids => ==(nid), ogg_plotting_order)
    idx_oggs = indexin(noderesults.ogg_name, ogg_plotting_order.ogg_name)
    x = minimum(idx_oggs)
    y = minimum(idx_taxa)
    width = maximum(idx_oggs) - minimum(idx_oggs)
    height = maximum(idx_taxa) - minimum(idx_taxa)
    rectangle(width, height, x, y)

plot!(permutedims(oggrects), fill=0.0, lw=1.5, linecolor="lightgreen", label="")
# vline!(findall(diff(ogg_plotting_order.nodeids) .> 0) .- .5, lw=1, c=:black, label="")

layout = @layout [a{.2w} b]
plot(plot(fancy_treeplot, title="SPI tree"), hmapplot; layout, xrotation=45, size=(1000,600), link=:y, legend=:none,
savefig(joinpath(pdir, "significantOGGS_pernode_strainlevel_treeandheatmap_coloredboxes.pdf"))

zoom-ins of strain level significant orthologs

### Strain level zoomin P. vulgatus
ogg_plotting_order.nodeids |> unique
ogg_plotting_order = uniqueOGGresults |>
    df->subset(df,  :tree_level => x-> x.==("strain level"), :grp1_N => x-> x.>=3, :grp2_N => x-> x.>=3) |>
    df->subset(df, :nodeids => (x->get.(Ref(countmap(x)), x, 0) .> 10)) |>
    df->sort(df, [:nodeids, :log2FC]) |>
    df->filter(:nodeids => ==(136), df)
nid = 136
node = filter(x-> id(x)==(nid), prewalk(strvartree))[1]
idx_taxa = indexin(getleafnames(node), leafnames)

hmapplot = heatmap(log2.(ogg_mtx[idx_taxa, ogg_plotting_order.ogg_idx] .+ 1), 
# hmapplot = heatmap(log2.(ogg_mtx[:, uniqueOGGresults.ogg_idx]),
    title="P. vulgatus (zoomin); " * L"Q_{BH} < 0.05, |\log_2 FC| > 1",
    xticks=(1:nrow(ogg_plotting_order), ogg_plotting_order.ogg_name),
    # xtickfontsize=1,
    # ylims=(.5,356.5),
    cticks=(1:4, string.(2 .^ 1:4)),
    clims=(0, 6.1),
    c=cgrad(:bilbao, rev=true),
### Strain level zoomin C. comes
ogg_plotting_order.nodeids |> unique
ogg_plotting_order = uniqueOGGresults |>
    df->subset(df,  :tree_level => x-> x.==("strain level"), :grp1_N => x-> x.>=3, :grp2_N => x-> x.>=3) |>
    df->subset(df, :nodeids => (x->get.(Ref(countmap(x)), x, 0) .> 10)) |>
    df->sort(df, [:nodeids, :log2FC]) |>
    df->filter(:nodeids => ==(523), df)
nid = 523
node = filter(x-> id(x)==(nid), prewalk(strvartree))[1]
idx_taxa = indexin(getleafnames(node), leafnames)

hmapplot = heatmap(log2.(ogg_mtx[idx_taxa, ogg_plotting_order.ogg_idx] .+ 1), 
    title="C. comes (zoomin); " * L"Q_{BH} < 0.05, |\log_2 FC| > 1",
    xticks=(1:nrow(ogg_plotting_order), ogg_plotting_order.ogg_name),
    cticks=(1:4, string.(2 .^ 1:4)),
    clims=(0, 6.1),
    c=cgrad(:bilbao, rev=true),

Main - Explore differences within E. rectale

targetid = "MSK.16.22"
strvar_leaves = getleaves(strvartree)
basenode = strvar_leaves[findfirst(n->name(n) == targetid, strvar_leaves)]
subtree = readnw(nwstr(nthparent(basenode, 3)))
rectale_idxs = indexin(getleafnames(subtree),strvarobs.Strain_ID)

tiplabels = strvarobs.Donor[rectale_idxs]
idmapping = Dict(k=>v for (k,v) in zip(getleafnames(subtree), tiplabels))
rename_treeleaves!(subtree, idmapping)

rectale_donor_dict = Dict(

rectale_linecolors = map(prewalk(subtree)) do node; rectale_donor_dict
    if length(unique(getleafnames(node))) == 1
        get(rectale_donor_dict, mode(getleafnames(node)), :grey)
end |> x->x[2:end] |> permutedims

    # alpha=.5,
    lw=3, fs=2,
    ylabel="E. rectale",
# donor annotations 
for (i, (k,v)) in enumerate(rectale_donor_dict)
    yvals = findall(==(k), getleafnames(subtree))
    yval = median(yvals)
    annotate!(1.8, yval, text("$k\n(n=$(length(yvals)))", 9, :center, v))
p1 = plot!()
ogg_plotting_order = uniqueOGGresults |>
    # select test at root of rectale sub tree
    df->subset(df, :nodeids => x-> x.==(id(nthparent(basenode, 3)))) |>
    df->select(df, [:nodeids, :log2FC, :grp1_N, :grp2_N, :ogg_name, :ogg_idx]) |>
    # add in descriptions of each ogg
    df->leftjoin(df, uniprot.var[:, [:og, :description]], on = :ogg_name => :og) |>
    # sort oggs based on abundence per group
    df->sort(df, [:nodeids, :log2FC]) |>
    # get shorter descriptions for lables
    df->coalesce.(df, "") |>
        :description => ByRow(x->first(replace.(x, r"\(.*\)"=>""), 75)) => :ogg_labels
# more abundant in MSK.17 and MSK.22
    :log2FC => ByRow(<(0)),
    :description => ByRow(!=(""))
17×8 DataFrame
Row nodeids log2FC grp1_N grp2_N ogg_name ogg_idx description ogg_labels
Int64 Float64 Int64 Int64 String15 Int64 String String
1 433 -2.52345 7 13 COG1345 3757 Required for morphogenesis and for the elongation of the flagellar filament by facilitating polymerization of the flagellin monomers at the tip of growing filament. Forms a capping structure, which prevents flagellin subunits (transported through the central channel of the flagellum) from leaking out without polymerization at the distal end Required for morphogenesis and for the elongation of the flagellar filament
2 433 -2.26897 7 13 COG1344 3756 bacterial-type flagellum-dependent cell motility bacterial-type flagellum-dependent cell motility
3 433 -2.03848 7 13 COG5444 5401 nuclease activity nuclease activity
4 433 -2.03047 7 13 COG5001 5338 cyclic-guanylate-specific phosphodiesterase activity cyclic-guanylate-specific phosphodiesterase activity
5 433 -2.0 7 13 COG3210 4625 domain, Protein domain, Protein
6 433 -1.94674 7 13 COG3547 4769 Transposase (IS116 IS110 IS902 family) Transposase
7 433 -1.8723 7 13 COG4495 5124 Domain of unknown function (DUF4176) Domain of unknown function
8 433 -1.74526 7 13 COG1442 3821 lipopolysaccharide 3-alpha-galactosyltransferase activity lipopolysaccharide 3-alpha-galactosyltransferase activity
9 433 -1.58496 7 13 COG4786 5238 Flagellar basal body rod Flagellar basal body rod
10 433 -1.50843 7 13 COG5279 5367 protein involved in cytokinesis, contains TGc (transglutaminase protease-like) domain protein involved in cytokinesis, contains TGc domain
11 433 -1.38462 7 13 COG1776 4031 chemotaxis chemotaxis
12 433 -1.35998 7 13 COG2944 4514 sequence-specific DNA binding sequence-specific DNA binding
13 433 -1.29925 7 13 COG0842 3475 Transport permease protein Transport permease protein
14 433 -1.29925 7 13 COG1516 3869 flagellar protein fliS flagellar protein fliS
15 433 -1.22499 7 13 COG0835 3469 chemotaxis chemotaxis
16 433 -1.22499 7 13 COG2186 4263 Transcriptional regulator Transcriptional regulator
17 433 -1.22499 7 13 COG2198 4271 Histidine kinase Histidine kinase
# more abundant in MSK.9, MSK.13, and MSK.16
    :log2FC => ByRow(>(0)),
    :description => ByRow(!=(""))
5×8 DataFrame
Row nodeids log2FC grp1_N grp2_N ogg_name ogg_idx description ogg_labels
Int64 Float64 Int64 Int64 String15 Int64 String String
1 433 1.16713 7 13 COG5015 5347 Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase Pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase
2 433 1.32193 7 13 COG3534 4763 alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase
3 433 1.64425 7 13 COG3378 4691 Phage plasmid primase P4 family Phage plasmid primase P4 family
4 433 1.92997 7 13 COG0286 2997 site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (adenine-specific) activity site-specific DNA-methyltransferase activity
5 433 2.99151 7 13 COG0732 3379 type I restriction modification DNA specificity domain type I restriction modification DNA specificity domain
pltmtx = ogg_mtx[indexin(strvarobs.Strain_ID, getleafnames(strvartree)), ogg_plotting_order.ogg_idx][rectale_idxs, :]
p2 = heatmap(log2.(pltmtx .+ 1), 
    xticks=(1:nrow(ogg_plotting_order), ogg_plotting_order.ogg_labels),
    cticks=(1:4, string.(2 .^ 1:4)),
    c=cgrad(:bilbao, rev=true),,,,

plot(p1, p2, layout=@layout([a{.25w} b]), link=:y, size=(1000, 800))

Validation experiment

We noted that groups of strains from donors 22 and 17 had many orthologs related to the flagellum, that were absent from donors 9, 13, and 16. Conversely donors 9, 13, and 16 had orthologs related to viral (bacteriophage) infection. It suggested that in donors 9, 13, and 16 there had been an infection of populations that caused these strains to lose their flagellum and thus motility, likely to become more resistant to this bacteriophage.

We just wanted to test whether these strains where indeed non-motile, to verify that we were detecting accurate and functional differences between these strains. So we grew a sample of these strain in BHIS media, took pictures at the 24 hour mark and a time-series of optical density measurements (OD600).

plot motility assay
earlydf ="exp_raw", "OD600_motility", "earlygrowth_OD600.tsv"), DataFrame, delim="\t") |>
    df -> stack(df, 2:5) |>
    df -> rename(df, :variable => :time, :value => :OD600);
earlydf = earlydf |>
    df -> transform(df,
        :ID => (x->join.(first.(split.(x, "."), 2), ".")) => :msk_id,
        :ID => (x->last.(split.(x, "."))) => :replicate,

vortexdf ="exp_raw", "OD600_motility", "postvortex_OD600.tsv"), DataFrame, delim="\t") |>
    df -> stack(df, 2:8) |>
    df -> rename(df, :variable => :time, :value => :OD600);
vortexdf = vortexdf |>
    df -> transform(df,
        :ID => (x->join.(first.(split.(x, "."), 2), ".")) => :msk_id,
        :ID => (x->last.(split.(x, "."))) => :replicate,
vortexpltdf = vortexdf |>
    df->groupby(df, [:time, :msk_id]) |>
        :OD600 => mean,
        :OD600 => std,

fulldf = vcat(earlydf, vortexdf)
# fulldf = filter(:msk_id => x->startswith(x, r"(9|17|22|neg)"), fulldf)
fullpltdf = fulldf |>
    df->groupby(df, [:time, :msk_id]) |>
        :OD600 => mean,
        :OD600 => std,
fullpltdf.OD600_std .= replace(fullpltdf.OD600_std, NaN => 0.); # set correct std for single negative control

    "neg" => :grey,
    "9.13" => "#A97C50",
    "9.15" => "#A97C50",
    "16.22" => "#FBB040",
    "17.70" => "#6682C1",
    "17.78" => "#6682C1",
    "22.92" => "#2B3990"

@df fulldf scatter!(
    :time, :OD600,
    c=[cmap[id] for id in :msk_id],
    label="", markersize=3, markerstrokewidth=0,
vline!([4], c=:black, lw=.5, linestyle=:dash)
@df fullpltdf plot!(
    :time, :OD600_mean,
    group=:msk_id, ribbon=:OD600_std,
    c=[cmap[id] for id in :msk_id],
annotate!(4.8, .27, text("vortex"))
savefig(joinpath(pdir, "motility_experiment_plot.pdf"))
img = load(datadir("exp_raw", "OD600_motility", "swimmers_after24h.jpg"))
ysize = floor.(Int, quantile(1:size(img,1), [0.2, 0.77])) |> x->x[1]:x[2]
xsize = floor.(Int, quantile(1:size(img,2), [0.15, 0.73])) |> x->x[1]:x[2]
img[ysize, xsize]
img = load(datadir("exp_raw", "OD600_motility", "nonswimmers_after24h.jpg"))
ysize = floor.(Int, quantile(1:size(img,1), [0.2, 0.77])) |> x->x[1]:x[2]
xsize = floor.(Int, quantile(1:size(img,2), [0.2, 0.71])) |> x->x[1]:x[2]
img[ysize, xsize]

How conserved are these features?

The flagellum is generally highly conserved, it is remarkable that phage seemed to be involved with deleting such seemingly important machinery from the organism.

Thus, we examined the conservation pattern of the 12 annotated gene groups that were absent in E. rectale strains isolated from donors 9, 13, 16 but present in strains isolated from donors 17 and 22 across the entire Spectral Tree

uniprot = readh5ad(datadir("exp_raw", "UP7047", "2020_02_UP7047.h5ad"))
upmtx = uniprot.X[:,:];
uptree = readnw(readline(projectdir("_research", "UP7047_neighborjoined_spitree", "2020_02_UP7047-supporttree_50pct.nw")));
leafnodes = getleaves(uptree);
treeorder = indexin(getleafnames(uptree), uniprot.obs_names);
species_name = "rectale"
foundtaxa = uniprot.obs[contains.(uniprot.obs.Species, species_name), [:Kingdom, :Phylum, :Class, :Order, :Family, :Genus, :Species]]
@info "string: '$(species_name)' finds $(nrow(foundtaxa)) taxa:\n$(foundtaxa)"
┌ Info: string: 'rectale' finds 1 taxa:
│ 1×7 DataFrame
│  Row │ Kingdom   Phylum      Class       Order          Family           Genus   Species
│      │ String    String      String      String         String           String  String
│ ─────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│    1 │ Bacteria  Firmicutes  Clostridia  Clostridiales  Lachnospiraceae          [Eubacterium] rectale
└ @ Main /Users/bend/projects/Doran_etal_2023/notebooks/jl_notebook_cell_df34fa98e69747e1a8f8a730347b8e2f_Y101sZmlsZQ==.jl:3
test_oggs = subset(ogg_plotting_order,
    :description => ByRow(!=("")), # drop unannotated oggs
    :description => ByRow(!=("domain, Protein")), # drop unannotated oggs
    :log2FC => ByRow(<(0)), # drop oggs increased in the presence of phage
uniprot.var[indexin(sort(test_oggs), uniprot.var_names), [:og, :description]]
16×2 DataFrame
Row og description
String String
1 COG0835 chemotaxis
2 COG0842 Transport permease protein
3 COG1344 bacterial-type flagellum-dependent cell motility
4 COG1345 Required for morphogenesis and for the elongation of the flagellar filament by facilitating polymerization of the flagellin monomers at the tip of growing filament. Forms a capping structure, which prevents flagellin subunits (transported through the central channel of the flagellum) from leaking out without polymerization at the distal end
5 COG1442 lipopolysaccharide 3-alpha-galactosyltransferase activity
6 COG1516 flagellar protein fliS
7 COG1776 chemotaxis
8 COG2186 Transcriptional regulator
9 COG2198 Histidine kinase
10 COG2944 sequence-specific DNA binding
11 COG3547 Transposase (IS116 IS110 IS902 family)
12 COG4495 Domain of unknown function (DUF4176)
13 COG4786 Flagellar basal body rod
14 COG5001 cyclic-guanylate-specific phosphodiesterase activity
15 COG5279 protein involved in cytokinesis, contains TGc (transglutaminase protease-like) domain
16 COG5444 nuclease activity
# oggs from E. rectale test that are in Uniprot
chosen_oggs_idx = indexin(test_oggs, uniprot.var_names);
# make presence/absence matix `subset_ogg_mtx`
subset_ogg_mtx = upmtx[:, chosen_oggs_idx] .> 0;
chosen_oggs = uniprot.var.og[chosen_oggs_idx]
@show chosen_oggs;
chosen_oggs = ["COG1345", "COG1344", "COG5444", "COG5001", "COG3547", "COG4495", "COG1442", "COG4786", "COG5279", "COG1776", "COG2944", "COG0842", "COG1516", "COG0835", "COG2186", "COG2198"]
# collect parent nodes back to pseudo-root of uniprot tree
species_node_idx = findall(contains.(uniprot.obs.Species[treeorder], species_name))[1]
speciesnode = leafnodes[species_node_idx]
depthofspecies = network_distance(uptree, speciesnode)
speciesparents = []
node = speciesnode
for i in 1:depthofspecies
    node = parent(node)
    push!(speciesparents, node)
cladesizes = length.(getleafnames.(speciesparents))
@info "# of taxa per clade = $(cladesizes)"
┌ Info: # of taxa per clade = [3, 10, 23, 101, 216, 265, 380, 600, 733, 1022, 1065, 2376, 6709, 7047]
└ @ Main /Users/bend/projects/Doran_etal_2023/notebooks/jl_notebook_cell_df34fa98e69747e1a8f8a730347b8e2f_Y104sZmlsZQ==.jl:12
# only 1 E. rectale in uniprot
sum(==("Agathobacter"), uniprot.obs.Genus)

Local subtree of E. rectale in Uniprot tree

subset_tree = readnw(nwstr(speciesparents[3]))
for leaf in getleaves(subset_tree)
    NewickTree.setname!(leaf, only(uniprot.obs.Species[uniprot.obs.Proteome_ID .== name(leaf)]) )
plot(subset_tree,, fs=9, size=(500,600))

Larger subtree of E. rectale in Uniprot tree

subset_tree = readnw(nwstr(speciesparents[4]))
for leaf in getleaves(subset_tree)
    NewickTree.setname!(leaf, only(uniprot.obs.Species[uniprot.obs.Proteome_ID .== name(leaf)]) )
plot(subset_tree,, fs=5, size=(400,600))
bblsvs = projectinLSV(bbmtx, upusv);
rectale_mask = occursin.("rectale", biobank.obs.Species);
joined_dij = spectraldistances([upusv.U; bblsvs[rectale_mask, :]], upusv.S, alpha=1.5, q=0.75);
rectale_dij = joined_dij[(size(upusv.U,1)+1):end, 1:(end-sum(rectale_mask))]
rectale_upnns = first.(sortperm.(eachrow(rectale_dij)), 5);
hcat(biobank.obs[rectale_mask, [:Strain_ID, :NCBI_Species]],
    DataFrame(getindex.(Ref(uniprot.obs.Species), rectale_upnns) |> stack |> permutedims, [:nn_1, :nn_2, :nn_3, :nn_4, :nn_5]),
    # uniprot_nearest_neighbor_Species=uniprot.obs.Species[rectale_upnns],
    # uniprot_nearest_neighbor_Phylum=uniprot.obs.Phylum[rectale_upnns],
20×7 DataFrame
Row Strain_ID NCBI_Species nn_1 nn_2 nn_3 nn_4 nn_5
String String String String String String String
1 MSK.9.13 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Aeromonas sp. w55 Photobacterium damselae Cyanobacteria bacterium Bacillus sp. UFRGS-B20
2 MSK.13.59 [Eubacterium] rectale Photobacterium damselae Cyanobacteria bacterium [Eubacterium] rectale Candidatus Nasuia deltocephalinicola Aeromonas sp. w55
3 MSK.16.22 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Cyanobacteria bacterium Candidatus Vidania fulgoroideae Candidatus Carsonella ruddii Bacillus sp. UFRGS-B20
4 MSK.9.15 [Eubacterium] rectale Aeromonas sp. w55 Photobacterium damselae [Eubacterium] rectale Cyanobacteria bacterium Candidatus Tremblaya princeps
5 MSK.13.48 [Eubacterium] rectale Photobacterium damselae Cyanobacteria bacterium [Eubacterium] rectale Candidatus Vidania fulgoroideae Candidatus Nasuia deltocephalinicola
6 MSK.13.50 [Eubacterium] rectale Photobacterium damselae Cyanobacteria bacterium [Eubacterium] rectale Candidatus Nasuia deltocephalinicola Candidatus Vidania fulgoroideae
7 MSK.17.42 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Photobacterium damselae Cyanobacteria bacterium Opitutae bacterium SCGC AG-212-L18
8 MSK.17.3 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Photobacterium damselae Cyanobacteria bacterium Opitutae bacterium SCGC AG-212-L18
9 MSK.17.13 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Photobacterium damselae Cyanobacteria bacterium Opitutae bacterium SCGC AG-212-L18
10 MSK.17.19 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Cyanobacteria bacterium Photobacterium damselae Opitutae bacterium SCGC AG-212-L18
11 MSK.17.57 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Cyanobacteria bacterium Photobacterium damselae Opitutae bacterium SCGC AG-212-L18
12 MSK.22.19 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Cyanobacteria bacterium Photobacterium damselae Candidatus Tremblaya princeps
13 MSK.17.70 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Photobacterium damselae Opitutae bacterium SCGC AG-212-L18 Cyanobacteria bacterium
14 MSK.17.78 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Photobacterium damselae Opitutae bacterium SCGC AG-212-L18 Cyanobacteria bacterium
15 MSK.17.79 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Cyanobacteria bacterium Photobacterium damselae Opitutae bacterium SCGC AG-212-L18
16 MSK.22.23 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Cyanobacteria bacterium Photobacterium damselae Candidatus Tremblaya princeps
17 MSK.22.28 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Cyanobacteria bacterium Photobacterium damselae Candidatus Tremblaya princeps
18 MSK.22.51 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Cyanobacteria bacterium Photobacterium damselae Candidatus Tremblaya princeps
19 MSK.16.45 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Cyanobacteria bacterium Candidatus Vidania fulgoroideae Candidatus Carsonella ruddii Bacillus sp. UFRGS-B20
20 MSK.22.92 [Eubacterium] rectale [Eubacterium] rectale Roseburia sp. CAG:18 Cyanobacteria bacterium Photobacterium damselae Candidatus Vidania fulgoroideae

Conservation of motility expanding out from E. rectale

# for each node find all children and measure percentage of children where 
# chosen oggs are present
cladesateachtreelevel = getleafnames.(speciesparents);
frac_present = map(cladesateachtreelevel) do clade_ids
    cladeidx = indexin(clade_ids, uniprot.obs_names)
    mean(subset_ogg_mtx[cladeidx, :], dims=1) |> vec
end |> stack

# check how many oggs (n=16) are fully conserved across the smallest clade (n=3)
islocallypresent = frac_present[:, 1] .== 1;
@info "# locally present = $(sum(islocallypresent)), # not locally present = $(sum(.!islocallypresent))"
numcols = length(cladesizes);
┌ Info: # locally present = 12, # not locally present = 4
└ @ Main /Users/bend/projects/Doran_etal_2023/notebooks/jl_notebook_cell_df34fa98e69747e1a8f8a730347b8e2f_Y120sZmlsZQ==.jl:11
# plot the locally present oggs up through the tree
    xticks=(1:numcols, string.(cladesizes)),
    ylabel="fractional coverage of taxa",
    xlabel="# taxa in clade",,
    ylims=(0,1), widen=true,
hline!([.25, .5, .75], c=:grey, alpha=.5, linestyle=:dash)
violin!(permutedims(1:numcols), frac_present[islocallypresent, :], alpha=.3, c="#6182ce")
dotplot!(permutedims(1:numcols), frac_present[islocallypresent, :], c="#6182ce", alpha=.5, mode=:none, )
scatter!([NaN], label=permutedims(["$(species_name) locally conserved OGG (n=$(sum(islocallypresent)))"]), c=["#6182ce"], alpha=[0.5] )

these results seemed to show that indeed the orthologs absent from phage-assoiated strains in E. rectale are present on over half of the 250 most closely related species. And, even across all bacteria, there at least 3 orthologs that are conserved across half of bacteria.