Fig. 2 - Convergent evolution example


Benjamin Doran


January 17, 2025

Julia Setup
using DrWatson
@quickactivate projectdir()

using SpectralInference # custom package from $projectdir/src
using NewickTree
using Gotree_jll, Goalign_jll
using StatsBase, NeighborJoining
using Distances, Clustering
using DataFrames, CSV
using Muon
using Symbolics
using StatsPlots
theme(:default, grid=false, label=false, tickdir=:out)
using LinearAlgebra
using LaTeXStrings
heatmapcols = [:purple, :black, :yellow];
generationcols = ["#B3D2FC" "#2B689E" "#338591"];

Main - Example with convergent evolution

Spectral decomposition’s like SVD and PCA are based on co-variation, therefore they incorporate information about contextual dependence between features and taxa. This means that Spectral Inference can infer the correct ancestral tree even in cases of convergent evolution. Below we created an alignment of 18 taxa described by 9 features, where there are multiple evolutionary paths to get to each feature, i.e., each feature is only a good genomic feature that matches a true ancestral divergence in the context of other features.

Spectral Inference is able to perfectly recapitulate this ancestral tree, where standard phylogenetic tools fail.

M = Float64.([
    1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1;
    0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1;
    1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1;
    1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1;
    0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1;
    1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1;
    1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0;
    0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0;
    1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0;
    1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0;
    0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0;
    1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0;
    1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0;
    0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0;
    1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0;
    1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0;
    0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0;
    1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0;
    c=[:white, :black], 
    xticks=(1:9, ["Pos $i" for i in 1:9]),
    yticks=(1:18, 'a':'r'),
    size=(300, 600),,
usv = svd(M);
    ylabel="explained variance (%)", 
    xlabel="spectral component", 
    ylims=(0,1), xlims=(.5,9.5), 
    xticks=1:14, c=:black, markersize=5,
annotate!((1:length(usv.S)) .+ .1 , (usv.S.^2)/sum(usv.S.^2).+.06, round.((usv.S.^2)/sum(usv.S.^2)*100, digits=1))

Phylogenetic inference with FastME, PhyML, and SPI

In the tree plots below only branches with an orange dot are statistically supported.

toyMSA_18x9_dir = datadir("sims", "toyMSA_18x9") |> mkpath
# write out alignment
    joinpath(toyMSA_18x9_dir, "MSA.phylip"),
    join.(eachrow((replace(M, 0.0 => 'A', 1.0 => 'T')))),
# FastME
run(`julia $(projectdir("scripts", "runners", "runFastME.jl")) 
    -i $(datadir("sims", "toyMSA_18x9", "MSA.phylip"))
    -o $(projectdir("_research", "toyMSA_18x9", "FastME"))
    -m JC69
# PhyML
run(`julia $(projectdir("scripts", "runners", "runPhyML.jl")) 
    -i $(datadir("sims", "toyMSA_18x9", "MSA.phylip"))
    -o $(projectdir("_research", "toyMSA_18x9", "PhyML"))
    -m JC69
# SpectralInference
run(`julia $(projectdir("scripts", "runners", "runSPI.jl")) 
    -i $(datadir("sims", "toyMSA_18x9", "MSA.phylip"))
    -o $(projectdir("_research", "toyMSA_18x9", "SPI"))
    -m JC69
pdir_toyMSA_18x9 = plotsdir("toyMSA_18x9") |> mkpath
  Activating project at `~/projects/Doran_etal_2023`
[ Info: Starting FastME on MSA
[ Info: using Booster to compute support values
[ Info: stopping run
                              Time                    Allocations      
                     ───────────────────────   ────────────────────────
  Tot / % measured:       586ms /  91.3%           51.6MiB /  89.7%    

 Section     ncalls     time    %tot     avg     alloc    %tot      avg
 total            1    535ms  100.0%   535ms   46.3MiB  100.0%  46.3MiB
   booster        1    220ms   41.1%   220ms   1.16MiB    2.5%  1.16MiB
   FastME         1    181ms   33.9%   181ms   3.29MiB    7.1%  3.29MiB
┌ Info: timing
│   show(time) = nothing
└   println("") = nothing
  Activating project at `~/projects/Doran_etal_2023`
[ Info: Starting PhyML on MSA
[ Info: stopping run
                            Time                    Allocations      
                   ───────────────────────   ────────────────────────
 Tot / % measured:      375ms /  87.4%           50.1MiB /  89.4%    

 Section   ncalls     time    %tot     avg     alloc    %tot      avg
 total          1    328ms  100.0%   328ms   44.8MiB  100.0%  44.8MiB
   PhyML        1    194ms   59.2%   194ms   2.97MiB    6.6%  2.97MiB
┌ Info: timing
│   show(time) = nothing
└   println("") = nothing
  Activating project at `~/projects/Doran_etal_2023`
[ Info: Starting SPI inference
[ Info: Setting up workspace
[ Info: Running SPI
[ Info: Writing out SPI Tree
[ Info: Starting Bootstrap with 100
[ Info: Writing out Bootstrap trees
[ Info: using Booster to compute support values
[ Info: Finishing run
                                        Time                    Allocations      
                               ───────────────────────   ────────────────────────
       Tot / % measured:            1.68s /  95.9%            294MiB /  98.0%    

 Section               ncalls     time    %tot     avg     alloc    %tot      avg
 total                      1    1.61s  100.0%   1.61s    289MiB  100.0%   289MiB
   running SPI              1    930ms   57.8%   930ms    167MiB   58.0%   167MiB
   running bootstra...      1    183ms   11.4%   183ms   67.4MiB   23.3%  67.4MiB
┌ Info: 
│ timing
│   show(time) = nothing
└   println("") = nothing
method = "FastME"
run(pipeline(`$(gotree()) draw svg -c -w 400 -H 400 --support-cutoff .5 --with-branch-support`,
    stdin=projectdir("_research", "toyMSA_18x9", method, "MSA-supporttree.nw"),
    stdout=joinpath(pdir_toyMSA_18x9, method * ".svg")
show_svg(joinpath(pdir_toyMSA_18x9, method * ".svg"))

method = "PhyML"
run(pipeline(`$(gotree()) draw svg -c -w 400 -H 400 --support-cutoff .5 --with-branch-support`,
    stdin=projectdir("_research", "toyMSA_18x9", method, "MSA.phylip-supporttree.txt"),
    stdout=joinpath(pdir_toyMSA_18x9, method * ".svg")
show_svg(joinpath(pdir_toyMSA_18x9, method * ".svg"))

method = "SPI"
run(pipeline(`$(gotree()) draw svg -c -w 400 -H 400 --support-cutoff .5 --with-branch-support`,
    stdin=projectdir("_research", "toyMSA_18x9", method, "MSA-supporttree.nw"),
    stdout=joinpath(pdir_toyMSA_18x9, method * ".svg")
show_svg(joinpath(pdir_toyMSA_18x9, method * ".svg"))

How is information encoded about convergent processes?

We show that subsets of principal components, hold information that project taxa to different positions based on the ancestral path they took to obtain a particular genomic feature.

bar(M[:, 5],
    xticks=(1:18, 'a':'r'),
    ylabel="Pos 5",
    size=(600, 300),

taxa a-i and j-r split at the first generation. using position 5 as a gene marker would place j-l with a-i as they both lost this feature through convergent processes.

Mspectrallyfiltered = usv.U[:, 5:8] * Diagonal(usv.S[5:8]) * usv.Vt[5:8, :]
    xticks=(1:9, ["Pos $i" for i in 1:9]),
    yticks=(1:18, 'a':'r'),
    size=(300, 600),,

recreated alignment matrix from components 5-8. These components shows the mutations incuded in generation F2 in blue

bar(Mspectrallyfiltered[:, 5],
    xticks=(1:18, 'a':'r'),
    ylabel="Pos 5",
    size=(600, 300),
    ylims=(-.6667, .33334),
    yticks=([-0.666, 0.0, .3333], [L"\frac{-2}{3}", L"0", L"\frac{1}{3}"])

recreating the alignment using components 5-8, transforms position 5 in such a way that taxa j-l are distict because they lost this feature in a different context as to taxa a-i

We show in this case as well that information regarding more recent generational differences correlate to deeper principal components

spectralcorrs = map([i:(i+2) for i in 1:(size(M,2)-2)]) do window
    spectralcorrelations(usv.U, window)

F1mask = kron([1 0; 0 1], ones(3,3), ones(3,3))
F2mask = kron(Diagonal(ones(6)), ones(3,3));
uppertriangle = triu(trues(18, 18), 1);
f1mi = map(spectralcorrs) do spcorr 
    empiricalMI(spcorr[uppertriangle], (F1mask .== 1)[uppertriangle]) # edges=-1:0.001:1
f2mi = map(spectralcorrs) do spcorr 
    empiricalMI(spcorr[uppertriangle], (F2mask .== 1)[uppertriangle]) # edges=-1:0.001:1

    ylabel="Cumulative MI\n (density)",
    xlabel="Principal component Window\n [Principal component start to end]",
    yticks=[0.0, .5, 1.0],
    xticks=(2:8, ["[$i to $(i+2)]" for i in 1:7]),
plot!(scaledcumsum(vcat(0, f1mi)), c=:red, marker=true, label="F1", lw=2,)
plot!(scaledcumsum(vcat(0, f2mi)), c=:orange, marker=true, label="F2", lw=2,)

Fig. S5 - Timing benchmark

Spectral Inference is fast, it is based on PCA. So it has the potential to scale quite large. Thousands of taxa on a laptop, larger using clusters and distributed computing.

Here we just show that Spectral Inference (SPI) does not grow exponentially with the number of taxa.

## create UniProt subsets
uniprot = readh5ad(datadir("exp_raw", "UP7047", "2020_02_UP7047.h5ad"))
rowmeta = uniprot.obs;

outdir = datadir("exp_pro", "UPsubsetMSAs") |> mkpath
pdir = plotsdir("timeing_benchmark") |> mkpath

Subset to different number of taxa

  • 25 taxa at Genus level (Ruminococcus)
  • 50 taxa at Family level (Rhodospirillaceae)
  • 103 taxa at Order level (Oceanospirillales)
  • 211 taxa at Class level (Bacteroidia)
write out each subset as pseudo-alignment
## Genus
genus_choice_df = combine(nrow, groupby(rowmeta, :Genus)) |>
    df->sort(df, :nrow, rev=true) |>
    df->filter(:nrow=>x->24 .< x .< 27, df)

mask = findall(==("Ruminococcus"), rowmeta.Genus);
subsetMSA = Char.(replace(uniprot.X[mask, :] .> 0.0, true=>'T', false=>'A'))
open(joinpath(outdir, "UPsubset_taxa=25_level=Genus_group=Ruminococcus_alphabet=AT.phy"), "w") do io
    println(io, size(subsetMSA, 1), " ", size(subsetMSA, 2))
    for (id, row) in zip(rowmeta.proteomeID[mask], eachslice(subsetMSA, dims=1))
        println(io, id, "    ", join(row))

## Family
family_choice_df = combine(nrow, groupby(rowmeta, :Family)) |>
    df->sort(df, :nrow, rev=true) |>
    df->filter(:nrow=>x->48 .< x .< 52, df)

mask = findall(==("Rhodospirillaceae"), rowmeta.Family);
subsetMSA = Char.(replace(uniprot.X[mask, :] .> 0.0, true=>'T', false=>'A'))
open(joinpath(outdir, "UPsubset_taxa=50_level=Family_group=Rhodospirillaceae_alphabet=AT.phy"), "w") do io
    println(io, size(subsetMSA, 1), " ", size(subsetMSA, 2))
    for (id, row) in zip(rowmeta.proteomeID[mask], eachslice(subsetMSA, dims=1))
        println(io, id, "    ", join(row))

## Order
order_choice_df = combine(nrow, groupby(rowmeta, :Order)) |>
    df->sort(df, :nrow, rev=true) |>
    df->filter(:nrow=>x->95 .< x .< 105, df)

mask = findall(==("Oceanospirillales"), rowmeta.Order);
subsetMSA = Char.(replace(uniprot.X[mask, :] .> 0.0, true=>'T', false=>'A'))
open(joinpath(outdir, "UPsubset_taxa=103_level=Order_group=Oceanospirillales_alphabet=AT.phy"), "w") do io
    println(io, size(subsetMSA, 1), " ", size(subsetMSA, 2))
    for (id, row) in zip(rowmeta.proteomeID[mask], eachslice(subsetMSA, dims=1))
        println(io, id, "    ", join(row))

## Class
class_choice_df = combine(nrow, groupby(rowmeta, :Class)) |>
    df->sort(df, :nrow, rev=true) |>
    df->filter(:nrow=>x->190 .< x .< 215, df)

mask = findall(==("Bacteroidia"), rowmeta.Class);
subsetMSA = Char.(replace(uniprot.X[mask, :] .> 0.0, true=>'T', false=>'A'))
open(joinpath(outdir, "UPsubset_taxa=211_level=Class_group=Bacteroidia_alphabet=AT.phy"), "w") do io
    println(io, size(subsetMSA, 1), " ", size(subsetMSA, 2))
    for (id, row) in zip(rowmeta.proteomeID[mask], eachslice(subsetMSA, dims=1))
        println(io, id, "    ", join(row))
2×2 DataFrame
Row Genus nrow
String Int64
1 Helicobacter 26
2 Ruminococcus 25
2×2 DataFrame
Row Family nrow
String Int64
1 Alteromonadaceae 51
2 Rhodospirillaceae 50
2×2 DataFrame
Row Order nrow
String Int64
1 Oceanospirillales 103
2 Pseudomonadales 97
1×2 DataFrame
Row Class nrow
String Int64
1 Bacteroidia 211
## submit job to cluster to run all phylogenetic inference tasks in parallel
# run(`sbatch $(projectdir("scripts", "slurm-run-PI-on-UPsubsets.sbatch"))`)
time_per_run_df ="_research", "UPsubsetMSAs", "timeperjob.log"), DataFrame, delim="\t");
pltdf = sort(time_per_run_df, :Seq) |>
    df->filter(:Exitval=> ==(0), df) |>
    df->transform(df, :Command=>(x->replace.(x, r"(.*)((?<=\/t)[0-9]*)(.*)"=>s"\2"))=> :Ntaxa ) |>
    df->transform(df, :Command=>(x->replace.(x, r"(.*)((?<=runners\/run)[a-zA-Z]*)(.*)"=>s"\2"))=> :method);

pltdf = pltdf[:, [:method, :Ntaxa, :JobRuntime]];
pltdf.Ntaxa = parse.(Int, pltdf.Ntaxa);
pltdf = sort(pltdf, [:method, :Ntaxa]);
pltdf = subset(pltdf, :method => ByRow(!=("FastME")))
20×3 DataFrame
Row method Ntaxa JobRuntime
String Int64 Float64
1 FastTree 25 883.487
2 FastTree 50 2011.95
3 FastTree 103 4044.1
4 FastTree 211 6906.7
5 MrBayes 25 728.282
6 MrBayes 50 1730.24
7 MrBayes 103 7628.71
8 MrBayes 211 9608.94
9 PhyML 25 439.039
10 PhyML 50 2441.14
11 PhyML 103 7875.46
12 PhyML 211 10119.2
13 RAxML 25 4905.39
14 RAxML 50 8285.4
15 RAxML 103 10093.6
16 RAxML 211 13513.1
17 SPI 25 65.94
18 SPI 50 67.507
19 SPI 103 83.168
20 SPI 211 138.193
plot(title="Job runtime of phylogeny inference methods",
    ylabel="time (seconds)",
    yticks=([60, 600, 1800, 3600, 7200, 10800, 14400], ["1m", "10m", "30m", "1h", "2h", "3h", "4h"]),
    xticks=([25, 50, 103, 211], [
        "Genus:Ruminococcus\n #taxa=25",
        "Family:Rhodospirillaceae\n #taxa=50",
        "Order:Oceanospirillales\n #taxa=103",
        "Class:Bacteroidia\n #taxa=211",
    ylims=(-100, 14500),
    xlims=(0, 220),
@df pltdf plot!(:Ntaxa, :JobRuntime, group=:method, markers=true,
plot(title="Job runtime of phylogeny inference methods",
    ylabel="time (seconds)",
    yticks=([60, 600, 1800, 3600, 7200, 10800, 14400], ["1m", "10m", "30m", "1h", "2h", "3h", "4h"]),
    xticks=([25, 50, 103, 211], [
        "Genus:Ruminococcus\n #taxa=25",
        "Family:Rhodospirillaceae\n #taxa=50",
        "Order:Oceanospirillales\n #taxa=103",
        "Class:Bacteroidia\n #taxa=211",
    # ylims=(-100, 14500),
    # xlims=(0, 220),
@df pltdf plot!(:Ntaxa, :JobRuntime, group=:method, markers=true,
savefig(joinpath(pdir, "timeing_benchmark_logscale.pdf"))